The Institute for Public-Private Partnership was also founded with the desire to transfer the knowledge from the field of public-private partnerships, which the founders acquired abroad, to Slovenia under the principle of science for the development of practice. At the time, we tackled this in a pioneering way and with enthusiasm. It remains so even today, as the need for knowledge exchange between research institutions and the economy has become more and more evident in recent years. In times of difficult economic and financial situations, especially in the public sector, savings in education are increasingly being felt, including in the areas of activity of the Institute for Public-Private Partnership. Therefore, we pay a lot of attention to educational activities and the transfer of knowledge and invest a lot of energy in this area.
It is known that in the past, research institutions were conceived as a source of new ideas, and the economy offered a natural environment to maximise the use of these ideas. However, the past decade has seen material changes in the roles of both parties. It became clear that research institutions must be more active in their relationship with the economy to maximise the use of research results. Therefore, at the EU level, there is an initiative for research institutions to cooperate to a greater extent with the economy and to establish mutually beneficial ways of transferring knowledge. At the Institute for Public-Private Partnership, we also observe the following guidelines.
We consider the transfer of knowledge to be a key element of our operation, as it enables us, on the one hand, to come into direct contact with problems from practice and, on the other hand, enables us to present our research and studies to a broader professional public. This reinforces our key advantage of combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience, which allows us to respond to the challenges of participants and our customers quickly.
Our goal is to meet the criteria of the "Centre of excellence" definition for public procurement, concessions and public-private partnerships, namely:
Members of the Institute for Public-Private Partnership team regularly appear as lecturers at domestic and foreign conferences and seminars in the field of public procurement, concessions, public-private partnerships, energy performance contracting, public services and other topics that the Institute deals with.
Since the publishing activity is becoming less profitable in the tough economic conditions and the situation in the field of publishing professional literature has become much tougher, the Institute for Public-Private Partnership has accepted the challenge and is present in Slovenia as a publisher of works from the areas of activity of the Institute for Public-Private Partnership.
We organised many individual trainings and practical workshops tailored to clients, which always provide the best results for the participants, as far as the acquired new skills are concerned. We have carried out so many of these in all the years of our operation that we do not even record them.
On this website, you can find key materials and presentations from our lectures.
We are always available for you to get in touch with us and ask us questions. We have already answered so many questions that it is impossible to count them. To make your work easier in the future, we have developed an application where you can ask a question. Our explanation will thus also be available to the general professional public, as clients, especially in the face of rapid changes in legislation, are confronted with similar, if not the same, problems and questions.
And last but not least – even though we are a small team, we try to organise at least one major Speed uPPP educational event every year, where we present the results of our work, new approaches and examples of good practice that make it easier for you to carry out public procurement and establish concessions, public-private partnerships, implementation of energy performance contracts and implementation of public services.
Speed uPPP events are key events in Slovenia that promote and develop public-private partnerships. The founders of the Institute for Public-Private Partnership have committed to organise at least one one-day event every year – the Speed uPPP Workshop, where we encourage the development of public-private partnerships, and every four years, a two-day conference – the Speed uPPP Conference, to which we invite prominent international experts, which operate in the field of public-private partnerships. All our events are extremely well attended, and we always say this when we hear that nothing is happening in the field of public-private partnerships in Slovenia. The latter is not true, Slovenian municipalities are very active, and there is a lot of interest. It is true, however, that there is also a lot of uncertainty due to the lack of programmatic and strategic directions at the national level and that no large projects in Slovenia that are in the domain of the state are in the pipeline (yet).
At our events, in addition to expertly presented content, we provide participants with a dynamic and fresh perspective and a lively discussion. Our events are characterised by many questions and polemical discussions. We are not afraid of your questions, but we welcome them, as they represent development.